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What We Do!


M.A.P. is proud to be able to offer a variety of free arts-based programs throughout the year.  The majority of these programs are open to children of any age.  

In order to have your child participate, all we ask is for you to become an active Member of M.A.P.  

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Click                           to become a Member!

​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".   ~Nelson Mandela
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M.A.P. encourages leadership.  In addition to participating in M.A.P.'s regular programming, high school students can serve as counselors or as members of Y.A.C. (the Youth Activities Committee).  


M.A.P is a member of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award Program.  High school seniors with qualifying numbers of service hours are eligible to receive the award.

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2021 Scholarships

Participation pays...literally!  M.A.P. Participation Scholarships are awarded to active graduating seniors based on their years of participation and/or service with M.A.P.

Benefits of The Arts...

In addition to helping children develop an appreciation for the arts, physical, social, and emotional growth are among the many life-long benefits gained from participation in the arts.


  • Students develop self-confidence as they learn to trust their ideas and abilities, think outside-of-the-box, and learn to assess and evaluate situations.


  • Performing and creating can boost imagination and empathy as children take on roles that require them to think, feel, and act in certain ways.


  • Cooperation and communication are essential when part of a performing ensemble.


  • All disciplines of the arts (the performing arts, the visual arts, the literary arts) can serve as an emotional outlets, helping relieve stress and giving children means by which to express themselves in safe, controlled environments.


  • Performing in or engaging in arts-based activities can improve both large and small motor development, including flexibility, coordination, balance, and control


  • Playing, practicing, creating, and performing can boost memory and focus (of both the mind and body).


  • Even practical life-skills (such as sewing or cooking, for example) can be learned through participation in the arts.


In short, participation in The Arts can help children develop skills that can last a lifetime!

“The arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing, and arithmetic…music, dance, painting, and theater are all keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment."     

~William Bennett, Former U.S.

Secretary of Education

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